Black Friday - really?? Was this you in the early hours of this morning? I was dreaming of sugarplums dancing in my head. Never been a Black Friday person, don't see that ever changing! I hate crowds! And now we're hearing of a woman in a Walmart (forget where) who pepper sprayed other shoppers in order to keep them away from some XBox deal. Is that what we've come to? The local police called it "competitive shopping" - I call it assault, and if it was me who got hit with pepper spray, she'd be hurting worse than me! But, I digress...
Just looking at the cover of this gorgeous new book by Tina Woltman, An Early Christmas, you can just imagine what's in store for you inside! This is a beautifully produced hardcover book filled with about 300 gorgeous photographs over 160 pages of early American homes decorated in Christmas finery. Antique collections of Santas and so much more to delight the eye. As for me, I'm always looking for great decorating ideas, and I'll be curled up in front of the fireplace later absorbing every picture in this book. This is one you'll take out for the holiday season year after year. Available in limited supply for $36.00. There's a link to a Picturetrail previewing several dozen pages from the book on my web site, so do check that out.
Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving day! As usual, the meal is always a challenge to get on the table reasonably warm, and everything has to come together at the very last minute, but we did it! It's been nice to have an extended visit with my son, his girlfriend and baby-to-be. Lots of sleeping in this morning after eating quite well yesterday!
Don't forget I'm having a Black Friday, Small Business Saturday & Cyber Monday sales event - 25% off on all cross-stitch and needlepunch patterns not on my What's New page, now through Monday, Nov. 29th. Don't hassle with pepper spray-wielding crowds! Free shipping too!
Happy (& Safe) Shopping!

Pepper Spray - really?? Wow. I remember as a teenager working part time in a Dept. Store when the Cabbage Patch dolls were all the rage. I saw grown women rolling around on the floor fighting over a doll. Bizarre!
I wonder who the shoppers are that tackle Black Friday. Every blog I have read yesterday and today says they did not go out shopping on Black Friday. Some say they did once years ago and never again.
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