My web site has been down all day due to web host server upgrade issues, but it looks like we're back online now. Glad it wasn't as bad as one time years ago with a previous web host who brought all their client sites down for about two weeks!! That's what made me change to my current web host, whose record of web site up-time is excellent - problems such as today's are rare. I am with Create a Shoppe, a DIY web site and store builder. Very intuitive, easy to maintain and low cost. If you're in the market for a service such as this, do check them out!
Saturday night... What shall I do? Some rug hooking? Watch a movie? Surf the 'net? Not sure. Hubby is downstairs watching hockey so I'm on my own. Should call my Mom - yeah, that's what I'll do. She's debating making the trip up to Maine for Thanksgiving this year. Think I'll make a "sales call" and try to seal the deal.
Enjoy your Saturday night!

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