Baby Sophie was all bundled up, snug as a bug in a rug in her car seat, yesterday right before her Mom & Dad took her home! She'd passed the five pound mark and continues to thrive in leaps and bounds, so was able to go home after only a two week stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. We'll be making the trip to see her next weekend, and this Nana can't wait!
Snowing here this morning, finally a measurable snow for this crazy winter. We're expecting between 6"-10". I won't be going anywhere today!
Have a great day,

sooo cute! you must be one proud nana..have fun on the weekend..Joni
God is amazing... Absolutely Precious!!
Awwww... what a sweet face she has!
What a beautiful little peanut!! You must be a proud nana!!
Enjoy your day~Becky
What a beautiful photo of her, she looks so sweet and content. I wish we got snow, just wind and rain for us.
Congrats to you and your family on having such a beautiful Sophie, glad she is doing well.
Aw, thanks for all the love for "my" baby Sophie! She looks so small in her car seat, but those little cheeks look so nice and plump! Can't wait to kiss both of them next weekend!
What amazing progress this little Angel has made. You mentioned you were in for snow, well, here in New Zealand we are meant to be enjoying summer, at the moment it is pouring, they say we are in for a bit of rain in the next few months. All I can say is "Good excuse to sit at the sewing machine or on the couch doing some handwork
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