Well, almost! My first grandchild, a little girl my son and girlfriend have decided to name Sophie, is making an unscheduled debut into the world today! She's about five weeks early and everything has been happening very fast today. My son just called a short while ago to tell me that his girlfriend is being taken in for a C-section. I'm not able to be there for another couple of days but I'll see her very soon.
My son, Sophie's dad, is a wonderful graphic artist. These are some tiles he painted with the baby's name that will be hung on the wall in her nursery.
More wonderful artwork by Sophie's dad! These animals will also be hung in Sophie's new nursery and are waiting to welcome her when she comes home in early February. She'll be in the hospital's NICU until her original due date, at least that's today's news.
I'll be "Nana" soon! Can't wait to meet this little girl who wanted to arrive on the scene before 2011 ends!

Update: Sophie Amber Thomas was born on Dec. 28th at exactly 2:30pm weighing a dainty 4 lbs. 13 oz.! Everyone is doing just fine, although Sophie has some typical preemie issues. Nothing out of the ordinary for an early birth, so say the doctors.
How wonderful! I'll be saying a prayer for her safe arrival! Dad has done some great work getting baby's room decked out!
Keep us posted!
Ahhh! that's wonderful - a grandma - you get to spoil her terribly, That is the best! Congratulations to the family. Thinking good thoughts and all the best.Smiles.. Joni
Congratulations, my prayers that she is fine and can come home earlier. Love the graphics, her room will be such a wonderful place for her.
Congrats Nana!!
Congratulations!! How fun to have a new baby granddaughter to love!
Your son did a wonderful job painting the tiles for little Sophie's room.... he is very talented. Best wishes to everyone!!
Congrats! How wonderful. Little girls are so sweet, and such a cute name (I have a little Sophia who is now 2). Enjoy the New Year with the new little one in your life. Blessings ~Sara
How awesome Wendy, hey does your son want to paint some more of those zoo animals??
Michelle, just sent you a message on FB. Let me know if I can put you in touch w/my son.
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! Mom, Dad & Sophie are all doing great! She is exceeding all expectations for a 33-week baby and getting stronger by the hour. Can't wait to see her in 2 more days!
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