This is my son, Russell, and his girlfriend, Tracey. Russ is a graphic artist and hand-painted Tracey's skeleton costume. It took him about twelve hours. Don't they look great? Tracey is expecting my first grandchild sometime in February, a girl, so the baby skelly has a little pink bow in it's hair - well, on it's skull, actually. They went to a costume party Saturday night. I used to love costume parties! When this guy was little we would decorate the front porch with those gauzey fake spider webs and large black spiders and made little hanging ghosts from squares of inexpensive white sheets wrapped around styrofoam balls. They looked great at night, blowing in the October breeze. I always had a "bleeding" candle on a table near the door, though not too near as to catch a little one's costume on fire. Not sure if Yankee Candle still makes these. One year we played a scary CD of screaming and moaning sounds in a boom box. I remember a group of little kids stopping in their tracks on their way up the front walk, wondering if they should continue or not! It was a really scary CD, even scared me playing it! Ah, those were the days! Tonight we'll be lucky if we get the little tykes from the family that bought the house next door, that is if the snow melts enough so it's not an icy walk up the driveway. We'll have our carved pumpkin on the porch at least, like we always do, and will enjoy the snack-size Reese's peanut butter cups while watching something not-too-scary on TV. Didn't have time to make a scarecrow for the porch before the October Nor'easter hit. The leaves are all buried under a couple of inches of unwelcome snow.

Enjoy your Halloween night!
1 comment:
I LOVE that costume your son painted. They look great! How cute with the baby skeleton.!!
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